Richard Pasquetti
Directeur de Recherche émérite du CNRS
Adresse : Laboratoire J.A.Dieudonné UMR CNRS-UNS N°7351 Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis Parc Valrose 06108 NICE Cedex 2 |
Téléphone :
04 92 07 62 08 Fax : 04 93 51 79 74 Mail : richard.pasquetti [at] unice [dot] fr |
Domaines de Recherches (Research topics)
- Calcul scientifique : Méthodes d'ordre élevé, éléments spectraux, éléments finis hp, méthodes spectrales, méthode des singularités, techniques de stabilisation (Scientific Computing : high-order methods, spectral elements, hp finite elements, spectral methods, boundary element method, stabilization techniques).
- Mécanique des fluides numérique : Simulation des grandes échelles, écoulements incompressibles, écoulements turbulents, sillages, écoulements stratifiés, plasmas (Computational fluid dynamics : large-eddy simulation, incompressible flows, turbulent flows, wakes, stratified flows, plasmas).
Visualisations d'écoulements (flow visualizations)
Quelques publications (some papers)- High order CG schemes for KdV and Saint-Venant flows
- Elliptic problems in curved domains using cubature based points triangular spectral elements and isoparametric mappings
- Cubature versus Fekete-Gauss nodes for spectral element methods on simplicial meshes
- High-order C0-continuous Galerkin schemes for high order PDEs, conservation of quadratic invariants and application to the Korteweg-de Vries model
- Viscous stabilizations for high order approximations of Saint-Venant and Boussinesq flows
- Fourier-spectral elements approximation
of the two fluid ion-electron Braginskii system with application to
tokamak edge plasma in divertor configuration
- Comparison of some isoparametric mappings for curved triangular spectral elements
- Stabilized spectral element approximation of the Saint Venant system using the entropy viscosity technique
- A penalty model of synthetic micro-jet actuator with application to the control of wake flows
- High order approximation of a tokamak edge plasma transport minimal model with Bohm boundary conditions
- Towards a high order Fourier-SEM solver of fluid models in tokamaks
- A correction technique for the dispersive effects of mass lumping for transport problems
- Fekete-Gauss spectral elements for incompressible Navier-Stokes flows : the two-dimensional case
- Influence of confinement on obstacle-free turbulent wakes
- Simulations
numériques de phénomènes anisotropes pour la fusion par confinement
- Influence of confinement on a two-dimensional wake
- Entropy
viscosity method for nonlinear conservation laws
- Temporal / spatial simulation of the stratified far wake of a sphere
- Spectral
element methods on unstructured meshes. Which interpolation points ?
- Entropy viscosity for conservation equations
- Entropy viscosity method for high-order approximations of conservation laws
- High order large-eddy simulation of the flow over the "Ahmed body" car model
- Spectral vanishing viscosity stabilized LES of the Ahmed body turbulent wake
- Entropy based nonlinear viscosity for Fourier approximations of conservation laws
- High order LES of the turbulent 'Ahmed body' wake flow
- p-multigrid method for Fekete-Gauss spectral element approximations of elliptic problems
- From stratified wakes to rotor-stator flows by a SVV-LES method
- Overlapping Schwarz methods for Fekete and Gauss-Lobatto spectral elements
- Spectral vanishing viscosity method for high-order LES : Computation of the dissipation rates
- Neumann-Neumann Schur complement methods for Fekete spectral elements
- A pseudo-penalization method for high Reynolds number unsteady flows
- Spectral vanishing viscosity method for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows
- Spectral vanishing viscosity method for LES : Sensitivity to the SVV control parameters
- Spectral element methods on unstructured meshes: comparisons and recent advances
- Spectral element methods on triangles and quadrilaterals: comparisons and applications
- High-order LES modeling of turbulent incompressible flow
- Stabilized spectral element computations of high Reynolds number incompressible flows
- High-order methods for the simulation of transitional to turbulent wakes
- Comments on "Filter based stabilization of spectral element methods"
- High-order algorithms for large-eddy simulation of incompressible flows
- Laboratory and numerical investigations on Bénard-Marangoni convection in circular vessels
- Numerical and laboratory experiments of sidewall heating thermohaline convection
- Calculations of 3D wakes in stratified fluids
- Mixed spectral-boundary element embedding algorithms for the Navier-Stokes equations in the vorticity-stream function formulation
- A divergence free multidomain spectral solver of the Navier-Stokes equations in geometries of high aspect ratio
- A spectral embedding method applied to the advection-diffusion equation
- A spectral algorithm for the Stokes problem in vorticity-vector potential formulation and cylindrical geometry
Inclassables (Miscellaneous)
Inclassables (Miscellaneous)