Laboratoire J. A. Dieudonné

Séminaire de l'équipe EDP Analyse Numérique

Séminaires à venir   -   Liste complète 2023-2024   -   Archives 2009-2023

Jason Picardo (IIT Bombay)
   How linear relaxation triggers nonlinear waves in an active fluid
   Below the plasma membrane of every eukaryotic cell resides the actomyosin cortex, a thin layer of actin filaments and myosin molecular motors, which behaves like an active fluid film and is the site of fascinating morphogenetic processes. The fundamental mechanochemical feedback—an active scalar (myosin motors) generates contractile forces within the film which drive flows that in turn redistribute the scalar— may be described by a simple one dimensional model, consisting of the advection- diffusion-reaction equation and the creeping flow Stokes equation. While this model gives rise to stationary patterned states via a linear instability, it has hitherto been thought that it is insufficient to explain the wave-like patterns observed in experiments. In this work, we show and explain how the inclusion of a simple linear reaction, which causes concentration perturbations to relax (and models turnover of the cortex), can surprisingly trigger the onset of waves via a secondary bifurcation. The waves arise due to an interplay between different spatial modes of the concentration field; we elucidate this nonlinear inter-mode interaction, and the crucial role of the linear relaxation, with the help of a Galerkin-truncated reduced-order model. These waves represent a new paradigm of mechano-chemical pulsatory pattern formation and are insensitive to changes in the domain: we find these waves in both one and two dimensional domains, with either periodic or no-flux boundaries, and even on a sphere. Collaborator: K. Vijay Kumar, ICTS-TIFR, Bangalore, India
   Gestion: Florence
Colm Caulfield (University of Cambridge)
   Rencontres Niçoises de Méca Flu
   Gestion: Florence
   Salle 2
Alain Blaustein (Pennsylvania State University)
   Salle Fizeau
Salma Lahbabi (Université de Casablanca)
   Salle de conférence
Philippe Hoch (CEA DAM)
   Salle de conférences
Maxime Herda (Université de Lille)
   Gestion: Isabelle
David Hughes ()
   Gestion: Florence
   DataHyKing Days
   Gestion: Thomas
André Galligo ? ()
   Gestion: Isabelle

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