Mathmods 2010-2011 : Schedule of the 1st semester in Nice
Schedule from sept. 15th to sept. 29th
Math course : thursday 16th, 9-12 Room 302 (Templiers) and 14-17 Room 317 (Templiers)
friday 17th, 14-17 Room 303 (Templiers), by F. Delarue
monday 20th, 9-12 and 14-17, Room 309 (Templiers)
wednesday 22th, 9-12 and 14-17, Room 317 (Templiers)
friday 24th, 14-17 Room 317 (Templiers), by C. Malot
tuesday 28th, 9-12 and 14-17, Room 303 (Templiers)
Biology course (only for those interested) : see
wednesday 15th, 9-12 Room 309 (Templiers) and 14-17 Room 302
friday 17th, 9-12 Room 309 (Templiers)
tuesday 21th, 9-12 Room 318 (Templiers) and 14-17 Room 311
thursday 21th, 9-12 Room 318 (Templiers) and 14-17 Room 309 (Templiers)
monday 27th, 9-12 and 14-17, Room 309 (Templiers)
wednesday 29th, 9-12 Room 302, 14-17 Room 307 (Templiers)
1st part of the semester
Wednesday :
8:30-12:45 : Transport Eq. in Biology by P-E Jabin, Room 311 (Templiers), from oct. 6th to nov. 24th, except
nov. 10th.
14:00-16:30 : Advanced numerics for Computational Finance by E. Tanre, Room Byron beige, Inria Sophia-Antipolis, from oct. 6th
Friday :
9:30-12:30 : Introduction to scientific computing for PDE's by S. Lanteri and C. Scheid, Room 1 (Dieudonné)
sept. 24th and oct. 1st, Inria from oct. 8th to nov. 26th.
14:00-17:00 : Stochastic calculus by F. Delarue, Room 2 (Dieudonné) on oct. 1st, Room Fermat vert (Inria) from oct. 8th
2nd part of the semester
Thursday :
9:00-12:15 : Solid tumour growth by A. Habbal, Room 318 (Templiers).