Didier Clamond
Professor of Theoretical Mechanics Department of Mathematics Université Côte d'Azur |
Address: Laboratoire J. A. Dieudonné UMR CNRS-UNS N°7351 Parc Valrose F-06108 NICE cedex 2 |
Phone Number: +33 492 076 206 Fax Number: +33 493 517 974 Email: didier [dot] clamond [at] univ-cotedazur [dot] fr |
Research Topics
- Gravity Waves and Nonlinear Waves
- Fluid and Continuum Mechanics
- Mathematical and Numerical Modelling
- Mechanics of Continuous Media
- Fluid Mechanics
- General Mechanics
- Numerical Methods
- Matlab & Scilab
- Clamond, D., Dutykh, D. and Mitsotakis, D. 2024. Variational approach to water waves modelling. IAHR WATER MONOGRAPHS, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), Spain.
Book Chapters
- Labarbe, J. and Clamond, D. 2024. Numerical computation of steady rotational waves and recovery of the surface profile from bottom pressure measurements. Nonlinear Dispersive Waves, Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Birkhäuser.
- Galligo, A. and Clamond, D. 2023. Certified study of internal solitary waves. Lecture Notes in Computational Sciences 14139, Springer.
- Clamond, D. and Dutykh, D. 2015. Modeling water waves beyond perturbations. Lecture Notes in Physics 908, Springer.
- Dumasdelage, R., Delestre, O., Clamond, D. and Gourbesville, Ph. 2014. Storm events of Nice bay: A numerical modelling of the interactions between wave, current and solid transport. Advances in Hydroinformatics: SIMHYDRO 2012 - New Frontiers of Simulation, Springer.
- Clamond, D. and Dutykh, D. 2013. A Non-Hydrostatic Non-Dispersive Shallow Water Model. Advances in Hydroinformatics: SIMHYDRO 2012 - New Frontiers of Simulation, Springer
- Guinot, V., Clamond, D. and Dutykh, D. 2013. Finite-Volume Implementation of Non-Hydrostatic Shallow Water Equations. Advances in Hydroinformatics: SIMHYDRO 2012 - New Frontiers of Simulation, Springer.
- Jensen, A., Huseby, M., Clamond, D., Pedersen, G. and Grue, J. 2004. PIV Measurements of accelerations in water waves. PIV and Water Waves, Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering 9.
- Clamond, D., Grue, J., Huseby, M. and Jensen, A. 2004. PIV Measurements of the velocity field in steep water waves events. PIV and Water Waves, Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering 9.
Journal Papers
- Labarbe, J., Vieira, A. and Clamond, D. 2024. Optimal reconstruction of water-waves from noisy pressure measurements at the seabed. Comp. & Fluids 284, 106437.
- Karamaoun, C., Kumar, H., Argentina, M., Clamond, D. & Mauroy, B. 2024. Curvature-induced motion of a thin Bingham layer in airways bifurcations. Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, L081101.
- Braidotti, M. C., Lovisetto, M., Pridzia, R., Michel, C., Clamond, D., Bellec, M., Wright, E. M. Marcos, B. and Faccio, D. 2024. Experimental observation of violent relaxation. Comm. Phys. 7, 206.
- Clamond, D. and Labarbe, J. 2024. Steady water-waves with arbitrary surface-pressure: Their recovery from bottom-pressure measurements. J. Fluid Mech. 985, R2.
- Lovisetto, M., Clamond, D. and Marcos, B. 2024. Integrating factor techniques applied to the Schrödinger-like equations. Comparison with split-step methods. Appl. Numer. Math 197, 258-271.
- Guelmame, B., Junca, S., Clamond, D. and Pego, R. 2024. Global weak solutions of a Hamiltonian regularised Burgers equation. J. Dyn. Diff. Eq. 36, 2, 1561-1589.
- Labarbe, J. and Clamond, D. 2023. General procedure for free-surface recovery from bottom pressure measurements: Application to rotational overhanging waves. J. Fluid Mech. 976, A20.
- Clamond, D., Labarbe, J. and Henry, D. 2023. Recovery of steady rotational wave profiles from pressure measurements at the bed. J. Fluid Mech. 961, R2.
- Clamond, D. 2022. Explicit Dirichlet-Neumann operator for water waves. J. Fluid Mech. 950, A33.
- Guelmame, B., Clamond, D. and Junca, S. 2022. Local well-posedness of a Hamiltonian regularisation of the Saint-Venant system with uneven bottom. Meth. Appl. Anal. 29, 3, 295-302.
- Lovisetto, M., Clamond, D. and Marcos, B. 2022. Optimized integrating factor technique for Schrödinger-like equations. Appl. Numer. Math 178, 329-336.
- Guelmame, B., Clamond, D. and Junca, S. 2022. Hamiltonian regularisation of the unidimensional barotropic Euler equations. Nonlin. Anal.: Real Word Appl. 64, 103455.
- Clamond, D. 2021. Remarks on dispersion-improved shallow water equations with uneven bottom. J. Phys. A: Math. & Theor. 54, 045701.
- Clamond, D. and Henry, D. 2020. Extreme water wave profile recovery from pressure measurements at the seabed. J. Fluid Mech. 903, R3.
- Athanassoulis, G. A., Benoit, M., Clamond, D. and Grilli, S. T. 2019. Foreword to the special issue on nonlinear waves over variable bathymetry. J. Ocean Eng. Mar. Energy 5, 4, 307-310.
- Guelmame, B., Junca, S. and Clamond, D. 2019. Regularizing effect for conservation laws with a Lipschitz convex flux. Comm. Math. Sci. 17, 8, 2223-2238.
- Clamond, D., Dutykh, D. and Mitsotakis, D. 2019. Hamiltonian regularisation of shallow water equations with uneven bottom. J. Phys. A: Math. & Theor. 52, 42, 42LT01.
- Pu, Y., Pego, R. L., Dutykh, D. and Clamond, D. 2018. Weakly singular shock profiles for a non-dispersive regularization of shallow-water equations. Comm. Math. Sci. 16, 5, 1361-1378.
- Clamond, D. and Dutykh, D. 2018. Accurate fast computation of steady two-dimensional surface gravity waves in arbitrary depth. J. Fluid Mech. 844, 491-518.
- Clamond, D. 2018. New exact relations for steady irrotational two-dimensional gravity and capillary surface waves. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 376, 2111, 20170220.
- Clamond, D. and Dutykh, D. 2018. Non-dispersive conservative regularisation of nonlinear shallow water (and isentropic Euler) equations. Comm. Nonlin. Sci. Numer. Simul. 55, 237-247.
- Clamond, D. 2017. Remarks on Bernoulli constants, gauge conditions and phase velocities in the context of water waves. App. Math. Lett. 74, 114-120.
- Dutykh, D., Clamond, D. and Chhay, M. 2017. Serre-type equations in deep water. Math. Modell. Natu. Phen. 12, 1, 9-26.
- Clamond, D., Dutykh, D. and Mitsotakis, D. 2017. Conservative modified Serre-Green-Naghdi equations with improved dispersion characteristics. Comm. Nonlin. Sci. Numer. Simul. 45, 245-257.
- Dutykh, D. and Clamond, D. 2016. Modified Shallow Water Equations for significantly varying seabeds. App. Math. Modell. 40, 9767-9787.
- Clamond, D., Dutykh, D. and Galligo, A. 2016. Algebraic method for constructing singular steady solitary waves: A case study. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 472, 20160194.
- Clamond, D. and Dutykh, D. 2016. Multi-symplectic structure of fully-nonlinear weakly-dispersive internal gravity waves. J. Phys. A: Math. & Theor. 49, 31LT01.
- Dutykh, D., Clamond, D. and Duran, A. 2016. Efficient computation of capillary-gravity generalised solitary waves. Wave Motion 65, 1-16.
- Chhay, M., Dutykh, D., and Clamond, D. 2016. On the multi-symplectic structure of the Serre-Green-Naghdi equations. J. Phys. A: Math. & Theor. 49, 03LT01.
- Clamond, D., Dutykh, D. and Duran, A. 2015. A plethora of generalised solitary gravity-capillary water waves. J. Fluid Mech. 784, 664-680.
- Clamond, D. 2015. Surface waves determination from pressure measurements at the bottom. La Houille Blanche 4, 29-31.
- Rajchenbach, J. and Clamond, D. 2015. Faraday waves: their dispersion relation, nature of bifurcation and wavenumber selection revisited. J. Fluid Mech. 777, R2.
- Dutykh, D., Chhay, M. and Clamond, D. 2015. Numerical study of the generalised Klein-Gordon equation. Physica D 304-305, 23-33.
- Dutykh, D. and Clamond, D. 2014. Efficient computation of steady solitary gravity waves. Wave Motion 51, 86-99.
- Dutykh, D., Clamond, D., Milewsky, P. and Mitsotakis, M. 2013. An implicit-explicit finite volume scheme for fully nonlinear Serre equations. Eur. J. App. Math. 24, 761-787.
- Clamond, D., and Dutykh, D. 2013. Fast accurate computation of the fully nonlinear solitary surface gravity waves. Comp. & Fluids 84, 35-38.
- Clamond, D. 2013. New exact relations for easy recovery of steady wave profiles from bottom pressure measurements. J. Fluid Mech. 726, 547-558.
- Rajchenbach, J., Clamond, D. and Leroux, A. 2013. Observation of star-shaped surface gravity waves. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 094502.
- Clamond, D. and Constantin, A. 2013. Recovery of steady periodic wave profiles from pressure measurements at the bed. J. Fluid Mech. 714, 463-475.
- Clamond, D. 2012. Note on the velocity and related fields of steady irrotational two-dimensional surface gravity waves. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A 370, 1572-1586.
- Clamond, D. and Stepanyants, Yu. 2012. Stationary gravity waves with the zero mean vorticity in stratified fluid. Stud. Appl. Math. 128, 1, 59-85.
- Clamond, D. and Dutykh, D. 2012. Practical use of variational principles for modeling water waves. Physica D 241, 1, 25-36.
- Dutykh, D. and Clamond, D. 2011. Shallow water equations for large bathymetry variations. J. Phys. A: Math. & Theor. 44, 332001.
- Demay, Y. and Clamond, D. 2011. A new model for the blown film process. C. R. Mecanique 339, 692-699.
- Rajchenbach, J., Leroux, A. and Clamond, D. 2011. New Standing Solitary Waves in Water. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 024502.
- El Hadji Bouya, A., Clamond, D., Fraysse, N. and Rajchenbach, J. 2011. Response of a noncohesive packing of grains to a localized force: Deviation from continuum elasticity. Phys. Rev. E 83, 021304.
- Clamond, D. 2009. Efficient resolution of the Colebrook equation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 48, 3665-3671.
- Holmås, H., Clamond, D. and Langtangen, H.-P. 2008. A pseudospectral Fourier method for a 1D incompressible two-fluid model. Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids. 58, 639-658.
- Clamond, D. 2007. On the Lagrangian description of steady surface gravity waves. J. Fluid Mech. 589, 433-454
- Clamond, D., Fructus, D. and Grue, J. 2007. A note on time integrators in water wave simulations. J. Engin. Math. 58, 149-156.
- Jensen, A., Clamond, D., Huseby, M. and Grue, J. 2007. On local and convective accelerations in steep wave events. Ocean Engin. 34, 426-435.
- Clamond, D., Francius, M., Grue, J. and Kharif, C. 2006. Long time interaction of envelope solitons and freak wave formations. Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids 25, 536-553.
- Fructus, D., Clamond, D., Grue, J. and Kristiansen, Ø. 2005. Efficient numerical model for three-dimensional gravity waves simulations. Part I: Free space problems. J. Comp. Phys. 205, 665-685.
- Clamond, D., Fructus, D., Grue, J. and Kristiansen, Ø. 2005. Efficient numerical model for three-dimensional gravity waves simulations. Part II: Generation and absorption. J. Comp. Phys. 205, 686-705.
- Fructus, D., Kharif, C., Francius, M., Kristiansen, Ø., Clamond, D., and Grue, J. 2005. Dynamics of crescent water wave patterns. J. Fluid Mech. 537, 155-186.
- Kristiansen, Ø., Fructus, D., Clamond, D., and Grue, J. 2005. Simulations of crescent water wave patterns on finite depth. Physics of Fluids 17, 6, 064101.
- Clamond, D. and Fructus, D. 2003. Accurate simple approximation for the solitary wave. C. R. Mecanique 331, 11, 727-732.
- Grue, J., Clamond, D., Huseby, M. and Jensen, A. 2003. Kinematics of extreme water waves. Appl. Ocean Res. 25, 6, 355-366.
- Clamond, D. 2003. Cnoidal-type surface waves in deep water. J. Fluid Mech. 489, 101-120.
- Clamond, D. and Grue, J. 2002. Interaction between envelope solitons as a model for freak wave formations. Part I: Long time interaction. C. R. Mecanique 330, 8, 575-580.
- Clamond, D. and Grue, J. 2001. A fast method for fully nonlinear water wave computations. J. Fluid Mech. 447, 337-355.
- Babkin, E. A., Brailovskaya, V. A., Clamond, D., Fraunié, Ph. and Stepanyants, Yu. A. 2000. Evolution of concentrated vortices in a viscous fluid. Int. J. Comp. Fluid Dyn. 13, 185-202.
- Clamond, D. 1999. Steady finite amplitude waves on a horizontal seabed of arbitrary depth. J. Fluid Mech. 398, 45-60.
- Clamond, D. and Germain, J.-P. 1999. Interaction between a Stokes wave packet and a solitary wave. Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids 18, 1, 67-91.
- Clamond, D. 1998. Reconstruction of a long wave velocity field. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 326, II b, 2, 91-94. (in French)
- Clamond, D. and Barthélémy, E. 1995. Experimental determination of the phase shift in the Stokes wave - solitary wave interaction. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 320, II b, 277-280. (in French)