-The twistor geometry of parabolic
structures in rank two,
- Mathematical Sciences, Indian Academy of Sciences, 132(2), 2022,
article 54,
volume in honor of C.S. Seshadri.
Chapter of New
Spaces in Mathematics, I.3.2, M. Anel and G. Catren, eds.,
Cambridge University Press,
2021, joint with Nicole Mestrano.
-Degeneration of nonabelian Hodge
structures, In Representation
Forms & Complex Geometry, A Tribute to Wilfried Schmid,
S. Miller, S.-T. Yu, eds., International Press, Boston (2019), 5-10.
-Reflections on c_1^2 = 3c_2 and
other things, In Notices
of the International Congress
Chinese Mathematicians Volume 7 (2019), 94-96.
-An explicit view of the Hitchin
fibration on the Betti side for P^1 minus 5 points,
In Geometry and
Physics: Volume 2---A Festschrift in honour of Nigel Hitchin, A.
J.-E. Andersen, O. Garcia-Prada, eds., Oxford University Press (2018),
-Reduction for SL(3)
pre-buildings, String-Math
2016, AMS Proceedings of Symposia in
Pure Math. 98 (2018), 207-227, joint with Ludmil Katzarkov
and Pranav Pandit.
-Rank 3 rigid representations of
projective fundamental groups,
Mathematica 154.7 (2018), 1534-1570, joint with Adrian Langer.
-Classification of categories with
matrices of coefficient 2 and order n,
in Algebra 46.7 (2018), 3079-3091, joint with Samer
-Irreducibility of the moduli
space of stable vector bundles of rank two and odd degree on a very
quintic surface, Pacific
Journal of Math. 293.1 (2017), 121-172, joint with Nicole
-Approximate categorical
and Applications of Categories 32.44 (2017), 1522-1562, joint with
Abdelkrim Aliouche
-Constructing buildings and
harmonic maps, In Algebra,
Geometry and Physics in the 21st Century
Festschrift), D. Auroux, L. Katzarkov, T. Pantev, Y.
Soibelman, Y. Tschinkel, eds.,
Progress in Math. 324, Birkhauser (2017), 203-260, joint with
Ludmil Katzarkov, Alex Noll and Pranav Pandit.
-Moduli of sheaves, In
Development of Moduli Theory --- Kyoto 2013 (Mukai 60),
Studies in Pure Math. 69 (2016), 77-172, joint with Nicole
-The dual boundary complex of the
SL_2 character variety of a punctured sphere,
de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse 25 (2016), 317-361.
-Harmonic maps to buildings and
singular perturbation theory,
in Math. Physics 336 (2015), 317-361,
joint with Ludmil Katzarkov, Alex Noll and Pranav Pandit.
-Descent, In Alexandre
Grothendieck: A Mathematical Portrait, L. Schneps, ed.,
International Press, Boston (2014), 83-141.
-Classification des matrices
associées aux catégories finies,
Topol. Géom. Différ. Catég. 55 (2014), 205-240, joint with Samer
-Common fixtures of several
maps on 2-metric spaces,
Indian J. Math. 56 (2014), 229-262, Special Volume dedicated to
Professor Billy E. Rhodes,
joint with Abdelkrim Aliouche.
-The construction problem in Kahler geometry, to appear in English and in Russian translation in the volume "Different Faces of Geometry", International Mathematical Series, third volume Plenum/Kluwer, Tamara Rozhkovskaya, publisher of the Russian translation; Eds.: Mikhail Gromov, Simon K.Donaldson, Yakov Eliashberg. If you download the paper (ps, pdf, dvi, tex), please ask your library to purchase the book!
The Coq proof files which went with the
first version of "Computer theorem-proving in math" are now bundled
with a short note which also replaces one of the chapters which was
removed in revision:
Set-theoretical mathematics in Coq (tex,
ps, pdf,
See the
index file for the proof files (these come in a tar archive in
the Arxiv version).