Conferences and talks
Journées Homotopiques in honor of Clemens Berger's 60th birthday,
Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné, Université Côte d'Azur, December 7-9,
Also not an organizer of CATS-60 ! Toulouse, June 20th to 24th, 2022
Workshop Duality
and More, Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné, Université Côte d'Azur, May
16-20, 2022
Not an organizer, but a happy participant of CATS-5 in Lisbon, September 26th to October 5th,
The wildly successful CATS-4
Higher Categorical Structures and their Interactions with Algebraic
Geometry, Algebraic Topology and Algebra,
was organized in Luminy, July 2-6, 2012, by the ANR
I was mentor of the 2011
Talbot Workshop on Non-Abelian Hodge theory, Utah, May 1-7, 2011.
Thanks specially to Hiro Tanaka, Sheel Ganatra and Owen Gwilliam for
organizing the workshop with amazing flair,
and thanks to everybody for their wonderful participation, it was great
on algebraic geometry, Nice, May 10-16th 2011,
organized in the ANR
Hodag by C. Simpson (had no time for jet-lag)
Conference GAD-I
on higher categories and derived algebraic geometry, Montpellier, May
24-30, 2010,
organized in the ANR
Hodag by T. Pantev, C. Simpson, B. Toen, M. Vaquié, G. Vezzosi
Workshop on Tensors and Interpolation, Nice, June 10-12, 2009,
organized by P. Comon, B. Mourrain, C. Simpson
fondamentaux en géométrie algébrique, workshop of the ANR
organized by A. Dimca, C. Simpson in Nice, May 25-27,
The next in the popular Cats
3, was organized by T. Pantev, C.
Simpson, B. Toen and G. Vezzosi
at the Centro Ennio de Giorgi, Pisa, Italy, 1-5 septembre 2008
The conference Algebraic Geometry
and Categories in honor of André Hirschowitz's 61st birthday!
June, 2005
Alessandro Chiodo organized the Journées
orbifold in April 2006.
An intermezzo in the tradition of the Cats1,2 conferences
was the workshop on Higher
in algebraic geometry,
Organized by C. Simpson, B. Toen and G. Vezzosi, May
15-19, 2006.
Eugenia Cheng organized the The
85th Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves and Logic
in Nice, March 2007
I was on the scientific commitee of the Conférence de Géométrie Algébrique, I.H.P.,
organised by O. Debarre, Y. Laszlo et C. Voisin (Colloque
Anniversaire d'Arnaud Beauville, juin 2007)
Une page pour la Fete
de la Science 2005
---Twistor space and parabolic structures,
spaces and geometric structures, ICMAT, September 12-16, 2022
in honor of Oscar Garcia-Prada's 60th birthday
---Learning classification proofs for finite structures, Joint AMS/EMS/SMF meeting, Artificial
Intelligence section
Grenoble, July 21st 2022
---Perspectives for computation in theoretical mathematics, Algebra 2022 and Beyond,
Bloomington, June 3-5, 2022
in honor of Michael Larsen's 60th birthday
---Machine learning for optimizing certain
kinds of classification proofs for finite structures, (video), Machine Learning
the Working Mathematician, Sydney online, April 28th, 2022
---On the geometry at infinity for rank 2
connections on P^1 minus 5 points, Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems 2022,
Kobe University online, February 8-11, 2022, for Masa-Hiko Saito's
---Moduli of quasi-parabolic logarithmic connections of rank 2, and
construction of a twistor space, Kobe University online,
October 8th, 2021
twistor space for moduli of logarithmic connections of rank 2 on an open
curve, GADEPS online, IMPA, September 24th, 2021
---FRG Lecture series Moduli spaces of sheaves on surfaces, organized
at UIC online by Izzet
Coskun, June 10-11, 2021
---Hodge theory and local systems, ICMS Sofia, March 3-5, 2020
Moduli: Basic constructions and examples, 5-lecture series, Moduli of Bundles and Related Structures
ICTS, Bangalore, February 10-14, 2020
---The Donagi-Pantev program for the geometric Langlands correspondence,
2019, USTC Hefei, December 2019
Spectral networks and harmonic maps to buildings,
3rd Itzykson
Colloquium: Wall crossing and Hitchin integrable systems, FMJH,
IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, 7 november 2013
Towards the boundary of the character variety,
Recent progress in the theory of Painlevé equations: algebraic,
asymptotic and topological aspects, CNRS-JSPS, IRMA, Strasbourg, 4-8
november 2013
---Images directes supérieure des
systemes locaux et fibrés de Higgs,
Workshop Théorie de Hodge, Jussieu, 19-21 décembre 2012
---Structure at infinity of the moduli
space of representations,
Algebraic Geometry seminar, UC Berkeley, le 8 aout 2012
---Restriction of unipotent logarithmic
connections and twistor structures,
Singularités des Equations Différentielles en Géometrie Algébrique,
organisé par l'ANR
SEDIGA, Luminy, 4-8 juin 2012
---Structure at infinity of the moduli
space of flat connections, parts 1 and 2,
Geometry and Quantization of Moduli Spaces,
CRM, Bellaterra, Barcelona, les 17 et 18 avril, 2012
---Homotopy theory of higher categories,
Algebraic stacks: progress and prospects, BIRS, Banff, 26-30 mars
---Local systems on P1 minus 4 points,
Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Mainz, le 9 février 2012
---Topological structure at infinity of
moduli spaces of flat connections,
Conference on
Homological Mirror Symmetry, Miami, 23-27 janvier 2012
---Higher nonabelian cohomology of
algebraic varieties,
Arithmetic, Motives and Moduli Spaces, IHP Paris, du 9 au 13 janvier
---The Painlevé VI moduli spaces,
Seminar Algebraic Geometry,
Max-Planck Institute, le 8 décembre 2011
Here are some abstracts
for 2010 and 2011.
---Harmonic bundles--Moduli of
representations--Higher nonabelian Hodge theory--Local systems on
noncompact varieties,
these were my own talks at the 2011 Talbot Workshop, Draper, Utah, May
1-7, 2011;
see the Talbot website
for a list of everybody else's awesome talks!
---Théorie de Hodge pour la
cohomologie nonabélienne, Algebraic Analysis seminar, Institut de
Mathématiques de Jussieu, March 28th, 2011
---Fibrations on the moduli of
parabolic connections on P1 minus 4 points, Newton Institute
``Moduli Spaces'' program, Satellite Workshop MOSW02, ``Representations of
surface groups and Higgs Bundles'', Oxford, March 14-18, 2011 (talk March
---Structures on nonabelian
cohomology, Algebra and Geometry seminar, University ``La
Sapienza'', Rome, March 9th, 2011
---Moduli of local systems on
Deligne-Mumford stacks, COW Seminar, Newton Institute, Special
Program on Moduli Spaces, Cambridge March 3rd, 2011
---Higher cohomology stacks over the
twistor space Rencontre à l'ENS, ANR ``Sediga'', Paris, February
8th, 2011
---Vers l'infini dans l'espace de
connexions, Algebraic geometry seminar, Institut de Mathématiques
de Jussieu, February 3rd, 2011
---Foliations on moduli spaces of
regular connections, Rencontre à l'ENS, ANR ``Sediga'', Paris,
September 21-22, 2010 (talk September 21st)
---Nonabelian cohomology as a shape
theory for higher homotopy typesConference GAD-I, Géométrie
Algébrique à la Dérive, ANR Hodag, Montpellier, May 24-30, 2010 (talk May
---Mixed Hodge
theory for the local structure of representation spaces, Cohomology
of Algebraic Varieties, Hodge Theory, Algebraic Cycles, Motives,
IHP, Paris, April 26-30, 2010 (talk April 28th)
---Catégories de modèles pour les
n-catégories de Segal, Groupe de travail ``Algèbre et Topologie
Homotopiques'', Chevaleret, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, March
10th, 2010
--- Partial Opers, Geometry
and Analysis Seminar, Oxford, October 26, 2009
--- The theory of n-categories and applications to algebraic
geometry, Colloquium,
July 27, 2009, Tohoku University, Sendai
--- Differential equations and the topology of algebraic
varieties, video, Colloquium,
24, 2009, University
of Tokyo
--- Higher stacks and moduli problems: basic notions; moduli of
perfect complexes, video, Workshop
on Geometry of moduli spaces, Kobe, July 20-22, 2009
--- Lectures on nonabelian Hodge theory I-IV, notes, video, RIMS
workshop on nonabelian Hodge theory and the geometry of twistor
Kyoto, July
13-16, 2009
--- Descent,
de la géométrie algébrique: la postérité mathématique de
Grothendieck, IHES, du 12 au 16 janvier 2009
--- Algèbre
homotopique, n-champs, infini-champs, Grothendieck:
Biographie, Mathématiques, Philosophie, Peyresq, France, du
24 au 29 aout 2008
--- Iterated
destabilizing modifications of vector bundles with connection,
Conference on vector bundles in honor of S. Ramanan, Miraflores de
la Sierra, Madrid, du 16 au 20 juin 2008
--- The role of various structures in
nonabelian Hodge theory, Workshop
on Noncommutative Constructions in Arithmetic and Geometry,
University College, London, 7-8 juin 2008
--- Phénomènes
de monodromie à l'infini: fibrés paraboliques et twisteurs de
poids 2, Séminaire de géométrie algébrique, Nice, les 24 et
31 janvier 2008
des extensions canoniques,
Séminaire autour
des cycles algébriques, IMJ Chevaleret, Paris, le 9 janvier 2008 (programme)
--- The
shape of an algebraic variety, 68th Kuwait Foundation
lecture, University of Cambridge, November 1st, 2007
--- Regulators
of canonical extensions, Geometry seminar, University
of Cambridge, October 31st, 2007 (abstracts
for the two talks at Cambridge)
--- Topics
in the classification of local systems, First French-Spanish
mathematical congress, Zaragoza, July 2007
A weight 2 property for
monodromy at infinity, Interactions
with Algebraic Geometry, Firenze, du 30 mai au 2 juin 2007
--- On
computer theorem-proving, Colloquium, Columbia University,
April 2007
--- Local
systems on Deligne-Mumford stacks, Algebraic geometry
seminar, Columbia University, April 2007
--- Espaces
de modules de connexions sur P^1 et l'algorithme de Katz
---Séminaire de géométrie algébrique Paris-Nantes, IMJ
Chavaleret, le 1er février 2007
Géométrie Algébrique Nice-Gênes, le 11 mai 2007 (abstracts
of everybody's talks)
--- Things
to compute, Computational Algebraic Geometry and
Applications (André Galligo's 60th birthday), Nice, June 2-6, 2006
--- Geometricity
of the Hodge filtration on the infinity-stack of perfect complexes over
a talk at the Deligne conference in Princeton, Oct. 18th, 2005
slides (in jpg images) (see the preprint ps,
--- Computer theorem proving in
PQR 2003 conference: Possion geometry, deformation quantization and group
representations, Brussels, June 13-22, 2003
conference pages: ah pssl
Research networks:
European research network:EAGER;
French research network: GAG;
Agence Nationale de la Recherche:
Sediga ANR