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Laboratoire J. A. Dieudonné
& Polytech'Nice-Sophia
Université Côte d'Azur (Nice Sophia Antipolis)
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Research topics:
I have mainly two research topics:
- Data assimilation for geophysical problems: I am currently working on a nudging based DA algorithm
(see this page for more details on this algorithm).
- Image processing by topological asymptotic expansion: the idea is to apply the topological derivative theory to the classical variational formulations of image restoration (see this page for more details and numerical results - this page is quite old, sorry, but send me an e-mail if you are interested in more recent stuff).
Edge detection software and image registration software available on request.
Other research topics:
- Optimal control, variational methods
- Coupling data and models
- Inverse problems, numerical analysis
- Image registration and identification of velocity fields from sequences
of geophysical images (see this page for
several numerical results)
See my habilitation thesis for more details about my research.
Research projects (non exhaustive list):
- Member of SISTEM (Simulations with high order schemes of transport and turbulence in Tokamak) project, ANR-CE46, 2019-2024
- PI of an Indo-French IFCAM project (Observers for coupled models and parameter estimation), 2018-2022
- Member of FAULTS_R_GEMS project, ANR-PRC, 2018-2022
- Team leader of STEEP project, FP7 European Commission (2013-2017): A Synergetic Training network on Energy Beam Processing: from modelling to industrial applications
- PI of a CEFIPRA/IFCPAR (Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research) project (Observers and data assimilation) (2012-2016)
- Associate member of CASTOR team project, INRIA Sophia Antipolis (2012 - )
- PI of BFN3 project (Nudging direct et rétrograde, intercomparaisons sur le modèle océanographique NEMO), INSU-LEFE (2012-2015)
- Team leader of MOTIMO project (seminal MOTility Imaging and MOdeling for automatized fertility assessment), ANR-Modèles Numériques (2011-2015)
- Team leader of IODISSEE project (Ionospheric disturbances and satellite-to-earth communications), ANR-COSINUS (2010-2014)
- Member of BFN-SEEK project (Nudging direct et rétrograde et filtre SEEK pour l'assimilation de données océanographiques), INSU-LEFE Assimilation de données (2009-2012)
- Member of ADTAO project (Assimilation de données dans le système Terre Atmosphère Océan), RTRA - Fondation STAE (2009-2012)
- PI of a CNRS-DGRSRT cooperation project between Tunisia and France on mathematical imaging (2008-2011)
- PI of the PROSSDAG project (Probing new sequential schemes for retrospective data assimilation in geophysics), ANR (2007-2010)
- Member of IFCPAR (Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research) project Control of systems of partial differential equations (2007-2010)
- Member of ADDISA project (Assimilation de Données Distribuées et Images SAtellite), ANR (2007-2009)
- Member of LEFE project (Un nouvel observateur: le back and forth nudging BFN - Etudes théoriques, numériques et applications), INSU-LEFE Assimilation de données (2006-2008)
- Member of OTOP project (Optimisation topologique pour les équipements clé des télécommunications du futur), ANR-RNRT (2006-2009)
- Member of MOISE (Modelling, Observations, Identification for Environmental Sciences) research project, INRIA Rhône-Alpes (2006 - 2011)
(Former) Students:
- Edith Taillefer, Optimisation multidisciplinaire de réacteurs, co-supervision, University of Toulouse, PhD 2008
- Thierry Touya, Optimisation topologique d'antennes réseau à maille irrégulière, co-supervision, University of Toulouse, PhD 2008
- Thomas Migliore, Identification de paramètres et mesures d'incertitude pour un modèle de diffusion-convection en milieu poreux, co-supervision, University of Nice, PhD 2009
- Badreddine Rjaibi, Traitement d'images par analyse asymptotique topologique et par morphologie mathématique, co-supervision, ENIT-LAMSIN (Tunisia), PhD 2012
- Sébastien Marinesque, Le nudging direct et rétrograde pour l'assimilation de données, University of Toulouse, PhD 2012
- Audric Drogoul, Détection de structures fines en imagerie, University of Nice, PhD 2014
- Kateryna Bashtova, Modelling and parameter identification for energy beam footprints, University of Nice, PhD 2016
- Vladimir Groza, Identification of unknown model parameters and sensitivity analysis for abrasive waterjet milling process, University of Nice, PhD 2016
- Samira Amraoui, Assimilation de données en géophysique: l'algorithme du Back and Forth Nudging, University of Nice, PhD 2019
- Houcine Turki, Assimilation de données et apprentissage automatique pour la réduction de modèles, Université Côte d'Azur, started Fall 2018
- Louis Lamérand, Assimilation de données pour la réduction de modèles de plasmas de tokamak en lien avec ITER, Université Côte d'Azur, started Fall 2020
- Amir Zoet, Accélération d'un processus de construction de modèles réduits, Université Côte d'Azur, started Spring 2022, discontinued Summer 2023
- Théo Rolin, Imagerie sismique 4D dans le domaine fréquentiel pour la surveillance des réservoirs et des zones de stockage de CO2: algorithmes et applications, Université Côte d'Azur, started Fall 2023
Contact me:
At work:
E-mail address :
Last modified :
February 18, 2025
When you dig another out of trouble, you've got a place to bury your own.